Monday, May 17, 2010

Goodbye Pullman, Hello real life...

4 Years, 8 semesters, 1 summer session, 122.6 credits, and some amazing memories later have led to the end of my college career at Washington State University. And with that, GO COUGS!!!

Big Barn in the middle of nowhere, in between Pullman and Othello.

Made it on the Big Screen, Photo by Heather Schuck.

The Family post graduation.

Now it's time to relax, take in my accomplishments, slowly change my lifestyle and then take on the real world. Cheers!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Blogging in a Burning Room":Inspiration

For all you John Mayer lovers you can see that the title of my blog is a play on one of my most favorite John songs "Slow Dancing is a Burning Room". With that, I just want you all to know how much I LOVE John Mayer. So many of his songs remind me of my life, or things that I imagine myself doing in my life. Not to mention how absolutely sexy he is e.g. sleeve tattoo which I love.

I would also like to recognize how jealous I am of all you John Mayer concert goers tonight in Seattle. My sister and best friend Alex are going and I will be there in spirit. Also another one of my goals this year is to get John to tweet me back on Twitter, I will let you know how that progresses.

I will leave you with these lyrics:
"I was the one you always dreamed of,
You were the one I tried to draw.
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Who put all this Fun in the Fetti?

Quite possibly the best out-of-the-box treat of all time=
Funfetti Cupcakes

Spokane Can!

My point is sometimes you need to escape Pullman and its redundancy. A great way to do that is by taking a day trip with friends to the great city of Spokane, WA. The drive from Pullman to Spokane is only about an hour and 15 minutes, and when you have Justin Beiber and the Glee Soundtrack blasting it goes by pretty fast! Also my best friend Alex happens to live in Spokane, so she was able to show us all the "hot spots"!

My roommate/best friend Sarah and I hit the road at about 11:00 ish this morning. After grabbing a Starbucks of course!

On the road. Notice the WSU tassel. Six weeks until graduation. AHHH.

Trying on hats at Forever 21.

The artists in Spokane are truly amazing :).

Late lunch at Rock City Grill. The Italian Nachos were UNREAL delicious!

Of course we hit up the creepy clearance sale on the 6th floor of Macy's. Unfortunately nothing was purchased.

New silk Army Green Romper-Forever 21.

My favorite purchase of the day-Forever 21 knuckle ring. Can you say Rihanna?

After a bitter sweet hug goodbye with Alex, Sarah and I headed back to Pullman feeling great about the wonderful day we spent in Spokane. It was the perfect get-a-way!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My first blog.

This is weird and to be honest kind of intimidating. I like to express myself and sometimes I am not the best at it. So I thought HEY, why not blog? So here goes nothing.

The other day a friend of mine asked me if was going to do three hobbies for the rest of my life, what would they be? The first thing that came to my mind was obviously shopping but then the more sophisticated part of my brain kicked in. So this is what I came up with:

1. Tennis: I love, love, love to play tennis. My love for tennis first came about when I joined the team my freshmen year of high school. There were two main reasons I joined the tennis team, one being that the Junior Varsity Coach was HOT and two being my friend and I wanted tennis sweatshirts and sweatpants. Oh so vain, but it turned out to be one of my favorites things to do. I ended up playing all four years of High School and I was even captain of the team my senior year. Although I am no Williams sister I just really enjoy the sport!

Can you say hunk? If he plays it must be cool right? Just kidding. I love this sport and want to play for the rest of my life. I love being outside, I love to compete and I love my racquet!

2. Horseback-riding: I don't know why but I want the ability to go horseback-riding whenever I want. There is something about being on a horse that inspires me, brings happiness and a sense of freedom to me. I have done a little horseback-riding in my life but not as much as I would like. I went to horse camp once, my best friends Caitlin's family owned a couple horses for a while and saddling up on vacations was always a favorite past time.

I would like to own a horse someday or maybe even have access to one. They are such amazing animals.

3. Skiing: I haven't skied for years and frankly I am a little bummed about it. I blame it on snowboarding. I gave up skiing in my attempt to be cool, but it turns out my skills reside in my skis. Snowboarding+Me=Joke. My parents were generous enough to give me ski lessons when I was young and I loved it. I love the snow, the freedom when coming down the slopes, throwing snowballs from the chair-lift and the hot chocolate at the end of the day.

I am going to take up skiing again and hopefully I will have that same face while doing it for the rest of my life.

So there you have it. Tennis, horseback-riding and skiing. Outdoors-freedom-adventure-friends-play-challenge-fun. That's where I want to be.
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